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Sorriso Dental Care would like to enhance your friend's smile by offering affordable dental treatment to people of all ages. We have teamed up with Elements Medi Spa & Academy to pamper you. Refer your friends, family, colleagues or anyone you know in need of oral health treatment or help with dental care and enjoy a spa treatment on us!
*Certain condition apply*
**Not applicable on our $150 special promotion**
A neuromuscular training for the orofacial muscles,
in the face, mouth, lips, and tongue to help with breathing, sleeping, chewing, swallowing, speech, orthodontic concerns and jaw pain.
Sorriso Dental Care now offers Myofunctional Therapy!
Book a consultation today!
Now Accepting the Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP)
Sorriso Dental Care, Proud Winners of the 2022 Reader's Choice Award
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